Tuesday 8 October 2013

Feeling guilty

So...I feel super guilty. I had this grand idea to complete an Artist Trading Card EVERY DAY in 2013. And I did just that....until the day my daughter was born. I thought for sure I could continue doing it once she was born, and truthfully I still could, however, my passion for the project has totally died. I COULD take the time every day to work on my art, but right now, spending time with Abby is more important and more fulfilling. So I feel bad, but at the same time I don't...I thought if I stopped doing this project I'd "lose myself" and become "only a mom", but that's not true. I've totally "found myself" in mothering and it really IS an ART in and of itself. AND just because this project has come to an end, doesn't mean I'm going to stop making ATCs all together and it doesn't mean I don't take time during my day for ME, it's just that my goal from the beginning of the year isn't realistic anymore. And that's okay.
Maybe I'm just rationalizing here?
Either way, here are my last few cards (I tried to "catch up" but got too far behind)
Also, I'm excited to not be "BOUND" by the guidelines of the book. For example, I'm not really into many of the ideas (like the "coat of arms" - middle, second R). I'd rather make cards like the top left one. So now I can express myself the way I want to. I might still use the book if I get stuck.